Play Therapy Minnesota
Play therapy and mental health services for children in-person in Edina, MN or online via telehealth anywhere in Minnesota.
What is Play Therapy?
Like adults, children struggle with emotions and behaviors that can make life challenging for themselves and for those around them. It is not uncommon for children to begin acting out , shutting down or withdrawing when they have experienced something unfamiliar, scary, unexpected or traumatic.
Sometimes parents know what has happened to trigger this behavior change and sometimes they have no idea. Play therapists are trained to help identify the root cause of dysregulation and work with the child’s entire family system to help the child return to their optimal level of functioning.
Unlike adults, children’s brains are not fully developed, a necessary component for traditional talk therapy. Play is the language of children and how they communicate what is happening internally. Play therapy offers a unique and effective way to address these issues in a safe and honoring environment that is child-friendly.

Through the use of toys, art, story telling, and unconditional acceptance, children instinctively begin to address various forms of adjustment and trauma through interaction with a trained therapist.
Play Therapy Minnesota is proud to have Registered Play Therapists and those seeking this credential in our clinic. Registered Play Therapists go through rigorous education and training which ensures your child (or children) are getting the most informed and skilled interventions possible. Our practitioners are skilled in both directive and non-directive techniques in addition to somatic and sensorimotor interventions to best fit a child’s needs.
When Play Therapy Can Help
Play Therapy can help children who are experiencing any of the issues listed below:
- Adjustment Disorders
- Adoption
- Anger and Aggression
- Anxiety
- Attachment
- Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity and Oppositional Disorders
- Birth Trauma
- Bullying
- Difficulty with Limits
- Divorce
- Enuresis/Encopresis (wetting/soiling)
- Grief and Loss
- Low Self-Esteem
- Major Medical Illness/Surgeries
- New Sibling Issues
- Physical, Sexual and/or Emotional Abuse
- Selective Mutism
Make a Referral
Ready to take the next step on your journey toward a better life? Request an appointment today.